Showcasing Pioneering Materials for Extended Offshore Wind Turbine Performance: Launch of the Community of Practice

13 December 2023

One of Europe’s primary objectives is to become the world’s first net-zero continent by 2050. Achieving this goal requires the widespread adoption of renewable energy production and their seamless integration into the European power grids. While existing renewable energy sources are expanding their presence in the market such as onshore wind and photovoltaics, novel promising energy sources are still  also emerging to bridge the gap towards carbon neutrality.

In this context, offshore wind energy has taken the spotlight as one of the most promising renewable energies to be further developed in the upcoming years. Higher wind speeds and consistency in direction of the wind makes offshore wind turbines more efficient when compared to their onshore counterparts, not to mention oceans provide an enormous space to build wind farms, minimising potential damages to surrounding population.

High wind speeds, rough seas, corrosion, fouling processes, and accessibility issues encompass significant challenges in maintaining offshore wind farms. Furthermore, offshore wind turbines involve higher costs due to the intricate infrastructure, setting them apart from their onshore counterparts. As a result, offshore wind energy has not yet emerged as a direct competitor to onshore wind energy solutions.

In this challenging context, MAREWIND project has committed to create a Community of Practice (CoP) with relevant stakeholders from offshore wind energy value chain, which will be launched in this webinar. This CoP will constitute a working space where stakeholders will be able to deepen their knowledge and expertise in the area by interacting on an ongoing basis to eventually further build on existing knowledge.

This event is organised by PNO Innovation Belgium on behalf of MAREWIND, and supported by FYBERGY and CARBO4POWER projects, all of them funded under the HORIZON 20202 topic: “LC-NMBP-31-2020 – Materials for off shore energy (IA)”. These projects, while encompassing the efforts of renamed European research institutions and companies, aim to reduce significantly not only the life cycle costs of offshore wind turbines reaching cost reductions for offshore energy production of about 40% but also their environmental impact by a 35%. By developing materials with improved durability and optimised production processes, these projects will pave the way towards a more affordable offshore wind energy in Europe.

Join us to know more about this cutting-edge exploration! Discover the most promising solutions, discuss challenges, strategies, and gain insights in optimising the costs of offshore wind energy.

Is your organisation interested on the endeavours of offshore wind turbine life cycle? Is offshore wind energy going to be one of your investment assets in the upcoming years? Are you intrigued by advancements in the maintenance of offshore or sea structures further than offshore wind turbines? Do you seek innovative renewable energy solutions?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, don’t miss out—save your spot and register for our webinar now!

Meet the speakers

Marta Mateo García de Galdiano (EU Project Coordinator _ Technological Centre LUREDERRA)

MSc. Chemical Engineering. Mrs Mateo is EU Project Coordinator in the Technological Centre Lurederra which carries out research and applied technological development activities in the fields of nanotechnology, new materials and advanced environment. Mrs Mateo has 19 years expertise in the field of environmental technologies, new materials and circular economy. Her research activity implies being in charge of several research national projects and European projects in 5th, 6th, 7th Framework Programme, H2020 and Horizon Europe.


Stefania Termine, National Technical University of Athens, Research Lab of Advanced, Composite, Nano Materials & Nanotechnology (R-NanoLab), Researcher | Materials Scientist

Stefania Termine is a material scientist (Materials Science in University of Patras) with master in Material Science and Technology (NTUA). She is working on the growth of carbon-based nanomaterials with CVD method as well as CVD functionalization of carbon fibres with CNTs and epoxy-based composite manufacturing through vacuum infusion process.  Furthermore, she is experienced in the electromechanical response and self-sensing abilities of carbon-based CFRPs though electrical resistance change method. Part of her research has been presented in national and international conferences and also has peer reviewed publication.


Fabien Rechsteiner, AVK e.V. – Federation of reinforced plastics, project engineer

Fabian Rechsteiner is a mechanical engineer working in the field of sustainable composite material and its recycling, communication and dissemination manager of the Fibregy project.