The second part of the MAREWIND work plan WP2 Fabrication and testing elements individually has started in March 2021 and is led by Lurederra. Within the scope of work is to formulate and optimize at a lab-scale different material. The consortium will improve corrosion protection, fouling prevention, blade’s coating protection, blade’s composites optimisation, recycling and concrete enhancement. The partners involved in this WP will also oversee the synthesis and selection of new concrete materials and testing/aging at lab scale. The task is still on going and will be active until M18, May 2022.
During the first 3 months of the beginning of the project TECNAN along with the other partners completed the very first part of the work plan. WP1 Defining the requirements provides an overview of the characteristics of new materials and monitoring procedures. A risk mitigation plan was also created for the project lifespan. In addition, the consortium also prepared a roadmap for the implementation of all demonstration sites, as well as identified the conditions and required equipment for each of them.In MAREWIND project the consortium will develop project technologies for anti-corrosion coatings for metallic parts and fastening elements, as well as anti-fouling coatings, new composites for blades, anti-erosion coatings for the blades and new high-performance concrete materials. These technologies will be implemented and tested on different demonstration sites based on the defined requirements for material and testing procedures.
Defining the technical requirements
In the very first step of WP1, TECNAN defined the technical characteristics of each new material. The materials’ properties are required in order to make experimental protocols and detailed analysis. They are also needed for quantification of the increased materials lifetime performance which is related to the target costs defined by the end-users. Therefore, TECNAN collected current market references about the characteristics durability, costs and main properties on variety of groups materials. That includes corrosion protection, fouling prevention, blades protection, blade’s composites optimisation and concrete enhancement.
In the second phase, TECNAN identified and defined the requirements for monitoring system. The monitoring system detects if any defects would occur in the rotating blades and possibly other composite parts of the wind turbine. In addition, it also measures the dislocations caused by the rotating blades.
Monitoring systems
TECNAN well-defined the most important structural and environmental parameters to operate with the monitoring systems. During the project lifespan, the consortium will develop two types of monitoring systems:
- Non-destructive testing supported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and
- Integrated optical sensors included into blades and concrete-based structural components.
The two systems were identified based on the technical aspects (e.g., power autonomy, accuracy, durability, etc.), hardware (e.g., type of optical sensors (FO, DFO, FBG…), accessories, dimensions, etc.) and site-specific regulative requirements (e.g., for UAVs).
Furthermore, the consortium defined the main inputs and outputs for the mathematical models and simulations. In addition, the respective partners will develop structural Health Monitoring (SHM) using many different techniques e.g., non-contact high-speed full-field measurements as digital image correlation (DIC) and thermography. These methods will be used to overcome the accessibility to offshore locations. In addition, the requirements of the models development according to Gravity-based structure (GBS), blade mechanical behavior modelling, and corrosion modelling were also considered.
Relevant standards and regulations related to the MAREWIND project developments have been also compiled. Making an early identification of the necessary requisites to deliver MAREWIND project activities will assure post market implementation. Additionally, the early identification of standards will also allow the consortium to recognise any potential gaps.
Roadmap of demonstrations sites
In the next phase of this WP, EDF presented all demonstration sites available to the different partner organisation. This was combined with a description of the MAREWIND technologies to match the different sites.
A final detailed definition of the tests on each site will be made in next phase of the project in WP2 and WP4. Additional tests will be made in the trials that are to be performed in WP5.

Potential risks
In the final phase of WP1, the consortium had to identify any potential risks that could happen during the project lifetime. Based on that they had establish procedures and actions for risk mitigation. The consortium will implement the respective measures and actions in case of deviations concerning timeframe, technical parameters and/or key performance indicators.
On the 9th June 2021, the MAREWIND consortium gathered to discuss the project status and progress since its official launch in December 2020. The MAREWIND consortium partners met online due to the current COVID-19 restrictions across Europe.
During the 1-day online session, all partners presented the work done for each of the work packages and their main achievements. Members of the consortium discussed the next significant milestones and deliverables that are to come. In addition, the consortium also detailly presented the planned actions in short term. By the end of the meeting, the project coordinator has concluded that the project and work packages are going as foreseen with no delays.
Next steps
The consortium is preparing its first newsletter, so stay tuned for more detailed project progress. You can subscribe for the latest MAREWIND news and events, here.
The next consortium meeting is scheduled in November 2021 when first year of the project would be achieved. For now the meeting will be held online again.
Have you ever wondered why wind energy is so important? Nowadays, it is the most efficient technology to produce clean power for several industries and electricity for the people in a safe and environmentally sustainable way.
These benefits motivate European governments to look for investment and further development in the wind energy sector as key Renewable Energy Source (RES). In this context, how is wind energy produced?
What is wind energy?
Wind energy/power is the energy that comes from a natural or renewable resource. It is actually a by-product of the sun. The wind energy is clean, use less water and does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutions. The wind energy is a green alternative to the energy produced by burning fossil fuels.
Wind energy is actually a by-product of the sun. The sun’s uneven heating of the atmosphere, the earth’s irregular surfaces (mountains and valleys), and the planet’s revolution around the sun all combine to create wind. Since wind is in plentiful supply, it’s sustainable resource for as long as the sun’s rays heat the planet.
What is wind turbine ?
A wind turbine captures the kinetic energy from the wind and converts it into mechanical power or simply electricity. It produces energy in a safe and environmentally sustainable way.
There are 2 types of wind turbines:
- Horizontal-axis wind turbines are the most commonly used one due to their strength and efficiency. They commonly have 3 blades like airplane propellers. Nearly all of the wind turbines currently in use are horizontal-axis turbines.
- Vertical-axis turbines are less used today as they do not perform as well as the horizontal-axis turbines. They have blades that are attached to the top and the bottom of a vertical rotor.

Figure 1: Types of wind turbines.
How is the wind turbine work?
When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the blade creates both lift and drag. As the force of the lift is stronger than the drag, it makes the rotor to spin. Then, the rotor connects to the generator and speed up the rotation. This creates electricity.
Figure 2: How does a wind turbine work?
Credits: ACCIONA, MAREWIND’s partner
What is wind farms?
A wind farm is a group of wind turbines that produce large amounts of electricity. Its aim is to deliver power to the electrical grid. Wind farms can be placed on land (onshore) or fixed at the sea (offshore). Offshore wind farms can even have floating turbines in deep waters.
Figure 3: Types of wind farms. Credits: TUV SUD
Offshore wind turbines are often exposed to a variety of harsh conditions such as abrasion, bio-fouling, corrosion. These conditions seriously damage the components of the wind turbines. Moreover, due to the constant exposure of the marine moisture, splash and ice formations and based on the location of the windmill plan, some of the turbines have more severe damages. Overall, these conditions significantly decrease the lifespan of the wind turbines and limit the cost per MW.